Schools & Universities
A Garden, an Essential Educational Tool
The smart aquaponic garden is a living lab that illustrates key concepts like photosynthesis, biological cycles, and ecology. It also raises awareness among young people about sustainability and the circular economy.
Need ideas or educational topics? Contact us, and we’ll help you make the most of your garden.
Activities to Enrich Student Engagement
Organize workshops on gardening or harvesting sessions to inspire collaboration, build a sense of community, and foster stronger connections among students and faculty.
Experiment with a Variety of Crops
Your garden allows you to grow a wide range of vegetables, fruits, and herbs. Students can experiment with different crops, observe their growth, and understand the impact of environmental conditions, sparking scientific curiosity.
Sharing Sustainability
Open your campus doors to local schools, offering educational tours of the garden to inspire eco-conscious practices. Alternatively, donate fresh produce from your harvest to community organizations or food banks, enhancing your social impact while fostering a culture of sustainability among students.