Introduction to Aquaponics : Unlock the Potential of Your Smart Garden


Let us introduce your participants to the fascinating world of their aquaponics garden!  Learn how this sustainable system combines fish and plants to create a thriving ecosystem. Discover the benefits of aquaponics, how it works, and the types of plants and fish that can  be grown together.

Instructional Format:

  • Presentation: Explain the basic principles of aquaponics, highlighting its water-saving and eco-friendly aspects.
  • Tour: Guide participants through the aquaponics garden, showcasing the fish, plants, and the system's components.
  • Q&A: Allow time for tenants to ask questions and learn more about their aquaponics system.

Number of participants: unlimited
Duration: 60 minutes
Animator: Yes

Available in these countries

Canada, United States, United Kingdom, European countries and North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia)

Shipping information

The Smart Aquaponix Garden 60 will be delivered in five separate packages, each containing the essential components of your garden. You will find the aquarium, electrical and electronic devices, the garden's structure, the growing trays, and the decorative wooden panels in these packages.

Tailored Solutions for Your Perfect Garden Experience

Every user has unique goals for their smart aquaponics garden. Discover how to customize your experience to fit your specific needs and aspirations. Click here to schedule a 15-minute consultation with one of our advisors and receive expert guidance to optimize your garden's potential.

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Introduction to Aquaponics : Unlock the Potential of Your Smart Garden

  • Robert
  • Sales Representative

"Whether it's summer or winter, I'll be connected to nature through this smart garden. Thank you for this incredible innovation!"

  • Dave
  • Lawyer

"With this smart aquaponics garden, I can use my own seeds and create my own vegetable garden, without any hassle or worry. It's a perfect solution for a busy lifestyle like mine."

  • John
  • HR Manager

"Employees will love its soothing aspect and the harmony it will bring to our workspace."

  • Carol
  • Interior Designer

"This beautiful smart aquaponics garden will add a touch of nature and sophistication to any space. My clients will love it, and so will I!"