Planting Tulip Bulbs: Cultivate Beauty in Your Aquaponics Garden
A practical and interactive workshop where participants learn how to plant tulip bulbs in an aquaponic garden with clay pebbles. Guided by a professional horticulturist, participants will discover how tulip bulbs can thrive in this unique environment while also having the
opportunity to ask questions about their outdoor gardens.
Instructional Format:
- Demonstration: The horticulturist will show how to plant tulip bulbs in the aquaponics garden with clay pebbles, explaining key tips for success in this environment.
- Hands-On Activity: Participants will plant bulbs themselves and learn how to care for them, while also getting advice for their outdoor gardens.
- Q&A and Socializing: After planting, participants can ask gardening questions.
Number of participants: 40 participants max.
Duration: 60 minutes
Animator: Yes
Available in these countries
Available in these countries
Canada, United States, United Kingdom, European countries and North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia)
Shipping information
Shipping information
The Smart Aquaponix Garden 60 will be delivered in five separate packages, each containing the essential components of your garden. You will find the aquarium, electrical and electronic devices, the garden's structure, the growing trays, and the decorative wooden panels in these packages.
Tailored Solutions for Your Perfect Garden Experience
Tailored Solutions for Your Perfect Garden Experience
Every user has unique goals for their smart aquaponics garden. Discover how to customize your experience to fit your specific needs and aspirations. Click here to schedule a 15-minute consultation with one of our advisors and receive expert guidance to optimize your garden's potential.